package bvyy.database; // Copyright(C)1998 Brian Yap // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass // Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import*; import java.beans.*; import bvyy.util.*; import java.util.*; /** * A Real Thing is the base data object within the game. Any object in the world * must be represented by a single real thing object. * * @version 0.0.1 30 October 1998 * @author (c) 1998 Brian Voon Yee Yap */ public class RealThing extends Thing { public RealThing() { } private transient QuantifiedContainer contents; private transient PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeListeners = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private transient VetoableChangeSupport vetoableChangeListeners = new VetoableChangeSupport(this); private transient QuantifiedContainer mandatoryComponents; private transient QuantifiedContainer optionalComponents; private transient QuantifiedContainer attachedTo; private transient Vector generalEventListeners; private transient Hashtable capabilities; private transient Hashtable characteristics; private transient Category category; private transient Hashtable representations; private transient Thing location; /** * Creates a new Thing from the components supplied. This routine assumes that * it is called from the appropriate category and hence all checking has been * performed.

* * If there are surplus components, these components remain where they were * prior to this action being performed.

* * @param myType the type of thing being created. * @param components a list of available components. * @param tools a list of available tools. * @param capabilities a list of available capabilities. * @param characteristics a list of available characteristics. * @param location the location where the thing is to be created. * @param loadDepth the depth down the containment and component trees that * data will be loaded. Each level in the hierarchy will * decrement this number by one. */ public Thing(Category myType, QuantifiedContainer components, Hashtable tools, Hashtable capabilities, Hashtable characterisitcs, Thing location, int loadDepth) { private Thing thisMandatoryComponent; private Thing thisOptionalComponent; private Thing thisComponent; this.Thing(); this.setCategory(myType); // Use the components. for (Enumeration e = myType.getMandatoryComponents.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) { thisMandatoryComponent=(Thing)e.nextElement(); thisComponent=(Thing)components.get(thisMandatoryComponent.getName()) if (thisMandatoryComponent.getQuantity() == thisComponent.getQuantity()){ mandatoryComponents.put(thisComponent.getName(),thisComponent); thisComponent.setLocation(this); } else { // Buld the maximum number of mandatory components and add the rest // (up to the maximum) to the optional components. // THERE IS A FLAW IN THE LOGIC CAUSED BY QUANTITY. THERE COULD BE 4 THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT OBJECTS OR ONE OBJECT WITH A QUANTITY OF 4!!!!! } } } // Use the optional components. // Add the effects of the tools. // Add the effects of the capabilities. // Add the effects of the characteristics. } /** * This method is called to remove this thing from the game. All components * and contents are added to this things parent. * * @exception DestructionNotAllowedException If the validation of the * destruction failed. */ public synchronized void destroy() throws DestructionNotAllowedException { //allow listeners to veto this command. try (vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("destroy", getAllComponents(), getContents());) catch (PropertyVetoException pve) { throw new DestructionNotAllowedException(pve.getMessage()); }; //put all components in the parent container. //put all contents in the parent container. //remove references to this object. } /** * Creates a new Thing from the template category provided. * * @param template the categrory template to be used to create this thing. */ public Thing(Category template) { } /** * Sets the contents to the provided Quantified Container. The old contents * are lost. * * @param newContents the new quantified container. */ public void setContents(QuantifiedContainer newContents) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { java.util.Vector oldContents = contents; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("contents", oldContents, newContents); contents = newContents; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("contents", oldContents, newContents); } /** * Returns the contents of this thing. * * @return the contents of this thing. */ public QuantifiedContainer getContents() { return contents; } /** * This is the call to use to add things into the content of this thing. If * the call is sucessful, the thing is added to this thing and removed from * the previous thing container.

* * @param newContent The thing to be moved into this container. * @exception ThingNotAllowedAsContentException This is thrown if the thing * cannot be added. As a class it * is generally subclassed to * provide greater deatail as to * the reason the thing could not * be added. */ public void addToContents(Thing newContent) throws ThingNotAllowedAsContentException { } /** * */ public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) { propertyChangeListeners.removePropertyChangeListener(l); } /** * */ public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) { propertyChangeListeners.addPropertyChangeListener(l); } /** * */ public synchronized void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l) { vetoableChangeListeners.removeVetoableChangeListener(l); } /** * */ public synchronized void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l) { vetoableChangeListeners.addVetoableChangeListener(l); } /** * */ public void setMandatoryComponents(QuantifiedContainer newMandatoryComponents) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { QuantifiedContainer oldMandatryComponents = mandatryComponents; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("mandatoryComponents", oldMandatryComponents, newMandatryComponents); propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("mandatoryComponents", oldMandatryComponents, newMandatryComponents); mandatoryComponents = newMandatoryComponents; } /** * */ public QuantifiedContainer getMandatoryComponents() { return mandatoryComponents; } /** * */ public void setOptionalComponents(QuantifiedContainer newOptionalComponents) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { QuantifiedContainer oldOptionalComponents = optionalComponents; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("optionalComponents", oldOptionalComponents, newOptionalComponents); optionalComponents = newOptionalComponents; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("optionalComponents", oldOptionalComponents, newOptionalComponents); } /** * */ public QuantifiedContainer getOptionalComponents() { return optionalComponents; } /** * This returns a consolidated call to return all the components of this thing. * * @return a quantified container containing all the components. */ public QuantifiedContainer getAllComponents() { } /** * Returns true if the Thing is a component of this Thing. * * @return true if the Thing is a component of this Thing. */ public boolean isAComponent(Thing theThing) { } /** * */ public void setAttachedTo(QuantifiedContainer newAttachedTo) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { QuantifiedContainer oldAttachedTo = attachedTo; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("attachedTo", oldAttachedTo, newAttachedTo); attachedTo = newAttachedTo; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("attachedTo", oldAttachedTo, newAttachedTo); } /** * */ public QuantifiedContainer getAttachedTo() { return attachedTo; } /** * */ public synchronized void removeGeneralEventListener(GeneralEventListener l) { if (generalEventListeners != null && generalEventListeners.contains(l)) { Vector v = (Vector) generalEventListeners.clone(); v.removeElement(l); generalEventListeners = v; } } /** * */ public synchronized void addGeneralEventListener(GeneralEventListener l) { Vector v = generalEventListeners == null ? new Vector(2) : (Vector) generalEventListeners.clone(); if (!v.contains(l)) { v.addElement(l); generalEventListeners = v; } } /** * */ protected void fireReceiveEvent(GeneralEvent e) { if (generalEventListeners != null) { Vector listeners = generalEventListeners; int count = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) ((GeneralEventListener) listeners.elementAt(i)).receiveEvent(e); } } /** * */ public void receiveEvent(GeneralEvent evt) { } /** * */ public void setCapabilities(Hashtable newCapabilities) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { Hashtable oldCapabilities = capabilities; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("capabilities", oldCapabilities, newCapabilities); capabilities = newCapabilities; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("capabilities", oldCapabilities, newCapabilities); } /** * */ public Hashtable getCapabilities() { return capabilities; } /** * */ public void setCharacteristics(Hashtable newCharacteristics) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { Hashtable oldCharacteristics = characteristics; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("characteristics", oldCharacteristics, newCharacteristics); characteristics = newCharacteristics; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("characteristics", oldCharacteristics, newCharacteristics); } /** * */ public Hashtable getCharacteristics() { return characteristics; } /** * */ public void setCategory(Category newCategory) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException { Category oldCategory = category; vetoableChangeListeners.fireVetoableChange("category", oldCategory, newCategory); category = newCategory; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("category", oldCategory, newCategory); } /** * */ public Category getCategory() { return category; } /** * */ public void setRepresentations(java.util.Hashtable newRepresentations) { java.util.Hashtable oldRepresentations = representations; representations = newRepresentations; propertyChangeListeners.firePropertyChange("representations", oldRepresentations, newRepresentations); } /** * */ public java.util.Hashtable getRepresentations() { return representations; } /** * */ public void setLocation(bvyy.database.Thing newLocation) { location = newLocation; } /** * */ public bvyy.database.Thing getLocation() { return location; } }