This set of pages describe the numBat V6 game engine and the associated LTUE (Life the universe and everything) implementation of the engine. This is all part of a lager attempt to write an online multiuser game system that is described seperately in numBat V2 pages .

There are the following packages

package uses description
extensions   a small set of java classes that provide extended funcitons to standard java classes.
numBat extensions numBat V6 is a object processor, that processes chunks of data as objects. These objects are also represented as xml elements. The engine is actually an abstract framework of classes that allow
  1. the creation of objects,
  2. importing and exporting to and from xml,
  3. management of the general data store to allow the postponement of creation of data objects,
  4. management of the data across multiple data stores across a network.

Item 4 in particular is only a concept in version 6.

ltue extensions, numBat Life, the universe, everything is a game model that models the world at the level expected by humans for use in the roleplaying game. It is an example that builds on the numBat model. I have used it to test the numBat model and progress toward the final goal of a multi user roleplaying game.
d20Java none yet... d20Java This is my current project. It is an implementation of the d20 open gaming foundation. Logo