Analytical Perspectives in Game Design
Instantiating new parts of the game
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This is the process followed to instantiated new parts of the game.

Main scenario:


  1. client (a Thing) requests a director to manufacture a new product.
  2. the director requests the specification of the product from the architect.
  3. the architect checks the product registries and returns the specification of the product.
  4. the architect passes the specification of the product to the director.
  5. the director passes the specification and the client to the builder.
  6. the builder builds the product and passes it back to the director.
  7. the director passes the product back to the client.

Alternate scenarios:

The product specification is not registered (Step 3):

  1. The architect requests the specification from the data cater.
  2. The data cater uses a data courier to fetch the specification.
  3. The data courier returns the specification to the data carter.
  4. The data cater returns the specification to the architect.
  5. The architect registers the specification.



See also: [Role Playing Games] [Game Engine]
© 1998, 1999 Brian Yap. These pages are available under the GNU licence.