Analytical Perspectives in Game Design
The game models the universe in several ways. At the highest level is the game model and software. This works in conjunction with game worlds as specified by game authors, which in turn works with game scenarios as specified by game scenario authors. Each of these outer layers implement specific detailing of the more generalised inner sections. The game core defines the underling mechanics of what the game can and cannot model. This model is deliberately kept very simple and generic to allow maximum flexibly. I suppose that the drawback of this approach is slow performance. It also allows the separation of perceptions from realities and the quick analysis of differences. The worlds are a set of data files that define the behaviours of the underlying game core. They provide rules for detailing of the specific interactions in any world. For instance, gravity would be modelled at this level. They decrease the flexibility that can now be offered in return for richer set of options. A world can actual build upon another world, though care needs to be taken if a world is based upon more than one other world. For example, a world author could extend a model of the general real world and add a new culture or sets of objects to it without effecting the underlying world. Player characters (as will all things) generally operate within a single world system. If they move between worlds, a translation process must be provided. Think of what happens in a movie when a person goes from the real world to a toon world. Some things translate, some don't, some are modified in unexpected ways. Scenarios or games use the game worlds and make specific games or stories. This is the final detailing of the world. While the game world may have defined that there can be rooms, this level would say that there is an anti-chamber, so big, lined with tapestries and so on. This is the level that the player would choose when selecting a game. Sample WorldsIn here you can see what worlds have already been created. If you want, you should be able to build a game within a world using the components located within this section. The default world is a special world. It is designed to be used as the basis for all other worlds. You do not have to do this, but if you are a beginner, then it is highly recommended. The default world contains behaviours that are common to almost all fantasy worlds.
See also: [Role
Playing Games] [Game Engine] |