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Commands have a complex relationship in the model as they effect many parts of the
- There is an internal command set that is used to change the database and to send
communications between players.
- The commands can be customised by authors to be specific to particular worlds, down to
configurable for particular things.
- A macro command set can be generated for complex activities.
The generic command set:
!add a miscellaneous command - wait!
!Insert should be add.!
!Explain the following Hugo commands and how they are implemented in this
DoAsk, DoAskQuestion, DoClose, DoDrop, DoEat, DoEnter,
DoExit, DoGet, DoGive, DoGo, DoHit, DoInventory,
DoListen, DoLock, DoLook, DoLookAround, DoLookIn,
DoLookThrough, DoLookUnder, DoMove, DoOpen, DoPutIn,
DoShow, DoSwitchOff, DoSwitchOn, DoTakeOff, DoTalk,
DoTell, DoUnlock, DoVague, DoWait, DoWaitforChar,
DoWaitUntil, DoWear
DoBrief, DoQuit, DoRestart, DoRestore, DoSave,
DoScriptOnOff, DoSuperbrief, DoVerbose
DoBurn, DoClimb, DoCut, DoDig, DoFollow, DoHelp, DoJump,
DoKiss, DoNo, DoPull, DoPush, DoSearch, DoSleep, DoSmell,
DoSorry, DoSwim, DoThrowAt, DoTie, DoTouch, DoUntie,
DoUse, DoWake, DoWakeCharacter, DoWave, DoWaveHands,
DoYell, DoYe s!
Command Processing
Command processing consists of two main components: Generating command lists for
display to the user and acting on a command from the command list as requested by the
One of the intentions of command processing is to hide what the commands actually mean
and do from the user interface to make the interface more generic.
The command processing has the following components:
The command class allows the game to attach commands to the player controls dynamically
as the player moves through the game. The command class operates on the command
When a player enters a space the game (Applet1) builds a list of the GameThings in that
space, inspects the GameThings for their state transitions possible and builds a command
set for the player to use. Each command is a represented by an object that on being called
will cause a specific state transition to occur, or a rearrangement of the hierarch tree
of objects in the game.
When a player issues a command, via Applet1, the applet executes the command by calling
the Command-Object. The Command-Object issues the command and the sends a message back to
Applet1 to rebuild the command list and views as appropriate. (This last bit is a mystery
to me at the moment and it is not in the diagram.)
Creating commands
There is a basic set of commands. An author can extend these commands to customise them
to the whole game, or a particular part of the game or world.
Command configurations allow the world author to edit the command sets and customise
them for game worlds and specific situations.
Within the game there is an internal and basic set of commands. These commands are
generic and suited to the world of computer programming. To extend these commands, without
actually creating any new commands, data can be provided. These extensions allow the
customisation of these generic commands.
The command set can be extended in a number of ways, depending on your specific needs.
Conditional command changes
Conditional command changes allow you to make the actual command dependant on a
specific set of criteria. ???
Global command changes
Global command changes allow you to change the text that is associated with a command.
You may replace the command or extend the command with synonyms. For example: synonyms of
attach could be tie, connect, link and join.
See also: data file
The command changes belong within the tags <global command info> and </global
command info>. The formats of the commands are:
[reassign] command to [new command]
[command] is a synonym of [command | new command]
[command list] are synonyms of [command | new command]
reassign speak to talk
tie, connect, link and join are synonyms of attach
Specific command changes
Specific command changes are associated with the thing in question. For example: you
could define that a person should have the movement commands of crawl, walk, jog, run and
sprint. These translate to a command of move at a speed.
Default Command Set
This section describes the internal commands used within the system. These commands
place a limit on what can be done within the game.
There are several types of generic command that allow the user to control the world.
Communication Commands
Communication commands allow the users to interact with each other and with agents.
These communications can happen as text, as voice, or as graphical displays.
body language action
This is the realm of expressive actions. To be seen they must be public and within line
of site.
emote - public, visible. (sub commands - cry, laugh, dance, ...)
This is also related to emotional states.
Applicable to text and graphical.
direct communication
Direct communication is communication with some-one in the normal range of
communication. For speech this is within the same context. The communication can be
private or public, and hidden or visible.
Whisper - private, hidden.
Talk - private, visible.
Say - public, visible. (sub command - shout)
Announce - public, hidden.
Applicable to text, voice and graphical.
narrative communication
This is a textual communication that may describe more complex situations. In fact I
have seen game worlds where the whole world was played only in the narrative.
Narrate - public, visible.
Applicable to text and voice.
remote communication
Remote communication can be the result of a technology available within the game world
or as an aid to general game play. Communication can work in a point to point, single
broadcast and poly-broadcast. poly broadcast is just the same as many people having access
to a single channel broadcast on the same channel and does not have a separate command.
Distribute - single channel broadcast
Close - point to point
Connect - single channel broadcast
Disconnect - single channel broadcast
Open - point to point
Send - point to point
Applicable to text, voice and graphical.
Miscellaneous Commands
Miscellaneous commands allow the user to do things that do not warrant a category of
their own or are game control commands.
Session control commands
list [games|worlds] [in world]
login [game] [userid] [password]
logout [game] [userid]
View commands
Passive commands allow the user to look at, but not touch the world.
look [object]
Movement Commands
Movement commands allow the movement of the player or any other thing around within the
world. This includes picking things up and putting things down.
Attach [object] to [object] [using object]
insert [object a] into [object b] (also put)
pickup [object]
putdown [object] [on object]
remove [object a] from [object b] (also get)
Unattach [object] from [object]
traverse from [thing] to [thing]
Operate commands
Operate commands perform primitive actions on the databse.
Assemble Category Components Tools
Disassemble [object]
downgrade [object x] [by removing x,[y]]
Hit [object a] with [object b] (sub commands - prod, push)
upgrade [object x] [using x,[y]] (requires parts to be present)
Default World Commands
This section describes the default world command extensions.
Object Model
The command object model describes the generic commands available within the system.
The intention here is to provide a basic set of commands, that can then be extended by
the authors to create customised commands.
This general command hierarchy is mapped into the internal command object model by the
command processor. The details of these mappings are below.
The assemble command changes the component relationship between things.It creates a new
thing out of its component things, effectively inserting a new layer in the component
hierarchy and moving the component items from the containment hierarchy.
Currently the Assemble command only checks the Components, Tools and Capabilities. It
should also check the player's characteristics (This would allow the author to limit
assembly tasks to players with certain characteristics.) and time (to allow the
specification of a time when an assembly can occur. For example: during the full moon.)
Se also: Assemble Scenario, Assemble.java
The command set allows for sequences of commands (order is very
important as is has semantic meaning) and allows command to contain commands. Command
is an abstract class.
Disassemble Command
This command destroys an object by reverting the object to its component parts.
See also: scenario, java source
Communication Commands
This section describes the mapping of the generic commands to communication commands.
Game Database Commands
This section describes the mapping of the generic commands to the game database
Some commands operate on the game database objects (things).
command |
thing |
operation |
attach |
attachment relationship between things |
creates an attachment relationship between things (possibly using a
intermediary things) |
disassemble |
component relationship between things |
destroys a thing back into it's component things, effectively removing a
layer in the component hierarchy and moving the component items to the containment
hierarchy. |
downgrade |
component relationship between things |
adds a set of components to a thing, moving the component items from the
containment hierarchy. |
get |
insert |
containment relationship between a two things |
moves the specified object down the containment
hierarchy. |
move |
containment relationship between a two things |
moves the specified object across the containment
hierarchy. |
remove |
containment relationship between a two things |
moves the specified object up the containment hierarchy. |
set |
unattach |
attachment relationship between things |
destroys an attachment relationship between things. |
upgrade |
component relationship between things |
remove a set of components from a thing. moving the component items to
the containment hierarchy. |
These commands all modify the associations between objects.
Login Database Commands
This section describes the mapping of the generic commands to the game database
Command Interface
The command interface allows an object class to receive or transmit a command to
another object.
The command interface implements the following methods:
Void Execute(Int New-State);
This allows the user to change the state of the state machine without the GameThing or
the Application knowing anything about the state machine.
Using Commands
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