Analytical Perspectives in Game Design
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November 1999

Back. Spent some time reorganising the pages to make them easier to manage. Now working on Version 4.21 of the game engine.

February 1999

Gone on holidays for 6 months. Be back in October.

Updated links to other sites.

December 1998

Disassemble command and notes on modelling.

November 1998

Updates to the assemble command with lots of changes to the things and categories section.

26 and 27 October 1998

Major updates to the following sections Capabilities, Characteristics, Categories, Commands, Things and State Machines.

27 September to October 1998

Sections on Data Files written.

20 to 26 September 1998

reformatted the whole web site.

Updated: Category data formats.

31 August 1998

default world and default world categories written.

30 August 1998

command configurations, mapping commands to game data objects and global command changes allow the world author to edit the command sets and customise them for game worlds and specific situations.

29 August 1998

I have made a new section for the system model and moved the high level Object Model sections to this new section. The object model is now a package based description of the model..

command object model first draft.

23 August 1998

commands, action commands, communication commands, and passive commands written.

21 to 22 August 1998

lock processor, time processor, agent processor, personality processor, plot processor, drama processor and Login processor written.

Glossary A glossary has been added. This explains the specific terminology I have used.

Software Architecture Major updates to the model. (plot processor, time processor, agent processor, and personality processor). Minor updates to all the pages linked to this page.

17 August 1998

Software Architecture I have finally documented the software architecture.

16 August 1998

notes on authoring in general Embryonic notes for authors to use when designing games and worlds.

authors This intermediate index page has been added to allow for general items to be written for the audience of authors.

12 August 1998

selection dialogues object model Object model and api list updated.

selection dialog scenario Updated so that now all the scenarios have been described.

11 August 1998

Lag A general page on lag and the approached taken to minimise the effects of lag.

inter-player communication A programmer's view of inter-player communication. Just a place holder at the moment.

Communication The general philosophy behind inter-player communication.

8 August 1998

Legal Perspective Licence changed to the GNU public licence.

selection dialogues object model Prototype API added.

28 July 1998

game initialisation scenarios Updated to correctly reflect starting a game.

Starting a game Updated.

22 July 1998

temporal perspectives New.

text processing scenario updated to add steps 11 to 18.



See also: [Role Playing Games] [Game Engine]
© 1998, 1999 Brian Yap. These pages are available under the GNU licence.